... Is definitely not what you want to hear when somebody looks at your computer. :'( But so it is. May you Rest in Peace you piece of junk!
Just 3 months after my own laptop died, now the one of my dad which I used as a replacement until I have the money to buy a new one is dead too. (Hmm is it me that I kill all computers or is it the computers that just decide to die in my hands?) Now I am stuck with my 8 year old laptop where the loudspeaker and even headphones don’t work, which is so slow that it takes about 15min until you can use it, where the wireless Internet connection of my flat isn’t accepted and well if I use a cable to get online it just takes 10 min to open a page. So I can’t even think about doing any research on this piece of crap. :( So maybe that is now the time that I should actually write my university papers since Word is more or less the only thing you can use on this laptop. :/
Well not today, probably tomorrow. Now I will just wallow with a crappy book and my last bit of Christmas chocolate from Finland.
Computers just suck!