Thursday, June 17, 2010


'Jag har glädjen att meddela dig att du har beviljats ett stipendium på x Euro ur 'Otto och Johanna Beltzners fond' för utbytesstudier [...] vid Åbo Akademi under läsåret 2010-2011.'
In English: I'm going back 'home' to Turku in August and even get money for it. :) Well or something like that.

After I 'ran' into a little note on this scholarship for German students by 'my' Åbo Akademi, 2 days of crazy application writing in Swedish (good that I haven't done anything in that language for about 3 years) and some great friends helping me with language corrections and running after signatures, while I enjoyed my birthday and the ESC2010 in Oslo, I got a big envelope from ÅA on June 10th. June 10th!!!! 10 days after the application deadline! Why can't Germans be so fast with answers? Anyway, big envelopes are usually a symbol of getting into a University (I think I saw to much US TV since in Germany you never get a big envelope if you get into a school!).

So I got the scholarship, still don't know how! Because my Swedish is so bad and I've been to ÅA once before but well I won't complain but am thankful for the opportunity to go back to my beloved Finland and hopefully finish my thesis there, since that is the main reason why I am going. So no partying, no traveling, no wasting time and money, just studying!
Hahaha ok you don't actually believe that right? Of course one needs a little party once in a while, a few travels and getting to know people, having fun and very important: improving my Swedish and Finnish.

I have to be in Turku at the latest on August 24th, so I just have 10 weeks to organize everything: confirming my place at Åbo Akademi, terminating my rental agreement in Magdeburg, booking a flight to Finland, getting a room in Turku, writing a lot of essays so that I can focus on my thesis in Finland, emptying my room and hopefully selling a few things, packing bags and potential postal packages, securing my finances, etc.
You see I will be very busy during the next weeks ... but it will be worth it.
And I'm good in planing so I don't expect any stress, especially since I hate stress ;)

Well, and why am I writing all that in a blog although I said I will never write a blog?
Last time I went to Finland I started with long mails telling what I did, uploading pics and getting almost no response and after awhile I was too busy ... or lazy ;) to write anymore. So I want to do it differently this time. I won't bore anybody with long mails but everybody who wants can read my blog and look at the pics I uploaded whenever they want. I try to write short entries from time to time so everybody knows where I am and what I'm doing. Comments on my post are, of course, very welcome, as well as ordinary e-mails or even real mail when I get my new address in Turku.

So I hope you enjoy reading this blog. :)
(Let's just hope it survives longer than my 'newsletter' in 2005.)

*hali* or *kram* (as we say in Finland ;))


  1. ja ja ja, so gefällt mir das doch!!!!
    Richtig so, weiter so!!!!
    Hauptsache du travelst mal Richtung Lahti und noch n paar Kilometer weiter. Wir haben sogar mein Zimmer frei gemacht und da ist jetzt n großes Bett frei. Also komm schnell, solang ich noch hier bin, denn das ist vielleicht nicht mehr so lange... Wer weiß.
    Ach ja, und 10 Wochen sind doch mal voll viel Zeit! Ich hatte glaub 6 Wochen. Und irgendwie hat das auch alles geklappt.
    Sodi, na dann hau mal rein und verlier den Kopf nicht! Nix ist für die Ewigkeit :)

  2. hey hey, awesome your blog. I really cannot wait redaing your adventures. And well 10 weeks are long, only if you still have to write essays I just wish you good luck with it. Be strong, soon you're where you belong.Greetings from France.

  3. @Kat: Momentan steht die finnische Sommermeisterschaft Ende September auf meinem Reiseplan, dh wenn du dann noch da bist, komm ich definitiv bei dir vorbei.
    10 Wochen sind wirklich viel, zu mal das meiste innerhalb von der Woche erledigt war. :)

    @Steffi: jeap just essay writing, but well now I have enough motivation to finish them finally. :)
