Thursday, September 29, 2011

Finally good news!

Today I got a lot of e-mails, usually 99% is crap and well today wasn't any different but there was one very interesting e-mail.
'I’m pleased to inform you that we have chosen you for an internship' was all I could read then I screamed and did my famous happy dance. :D And I still can't believe it. Finally I am blessed a little bit too. Was about time after all the good deeds I did this year. ;)
Anyway if I get through the security scanning I will start in January my 2 months internship at the American Consulate General in Leipzig. :D
Cool, isn't it?

So well I had an interview there in Tuesday, so well yeah nothing exciting to tell about that. And that's why (more or less) I am in Halle now, visiting a friend who I haven't seen much in the past years since she was living abroad and just recently returned to Germany. So I stay here till Monday and then return to my parents.

But hopefully not for long.

I will try to find a job and flat in Leipzig now since I can write my essays and thesis practically anywhere. And well anywhere is better than at my parents place so wish me luck :D


  1. Glückwunsch / Congrats ;)
    Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass die Geschichte in Leipzig spannend wird. :>

    LG Andy

  2. Hi Steffi,
    ich hoffe, dass das mit den ob in Leipzig klappt. Es gibt tolle Bagels dort. Ich komme ganz sicher mal vorbei, wenn du dort landest.
    LG Janine
