Ich liebe die Schiffe, das Meer und den Hafen,
und ich liebe es, nach ´ner Party, ... am Elbstrand einzuschlafen.
Ich bin ein Hamburger Jung und ich komm voll in Schwung,
wenn ich hüpf´ und spring und von Hamburg sing.
Schon Störtebeker wusste, dass der Norden rockt
und hat mir seinem Kahn hier gleich angedockt...

So as somebody might have guessed, I was in Hamburg. For just one day but Hamburg is always worth it. It's my third favorite German city and it has been a while since my last visit. And it is so amazing how the city has changed since my first visit about 10 years ago.

After searching one hour for a parking spot, we ended up right in the Speicherstadt. Which was nice since we could walk around the harbor and the little distance to the town hall and Binnenalster. My friend Steffi went with her boyfriend to the Miniatur Wunderland while I was doing some sightseeing and shopping. I am just not that much into small trains and pregere Northern Europe and the Alps in original size. :P

For the first time I went up the famous church tower of the Michel (St. Michaelis church) which was pretty cool, literally. It was freezing and so windy but definitely worth the few Euros for the entry. I took some nice pictures of Hamburg from above. Then I went to the city center - if you can call it like that - around the town hall. I did some shopping, went back to the harbor to look at some ships and finally ended up in the newly constructed HafenCity.

Well I have to say I love architecture. Historic and modern likewise. I wanted to study it and I still think I could have been a good architect. So i was curious about the new area with the high prized office and apartment buildings. So ähm yeah well I felt like I was back in the GDR. The only difference between these new buildings and the GDR Plattenbauten (prefabricated concrete slabs) is the prize and that you have a bit more glass windows and walls. Seriously I don't get why you would pay millions to live in a concrete and glass cube just because it is right at the harbor. Weird. But I found one building in which I would actually move into. It was white and was the only building with round shapes. You can see a little bit of it in one of the pictures.
Nordisch, wohoohoo, nordisch by nature ....
So much for Hamburg. I am still trying to find a job in Leipzig and waiting for one specific call. Wish me luck!
WHAT! I didn't know you had a blog! This is great. Now I can see what you're up to :) Miss your lovely face!
ReplyDeletejeap I made this one when I got the offer to go to Finland last year. It was easier to stay in touch with my friends and since I am too lazy writing dozens of emails this was the best way.
ReplyDeleteBut not many people read it now since I am back and I am not sure what I am going to write here from now on since I won't travel so much anymore but the next months might be life changing after all so I probably find things to blog about. :D
Miss you so very much as well. It is so weird that it is almost a year ago that we first met. Time flies way to fast! *hali*
A few still read it ;)
LG Andy
well very few! ;)
ReplyDeleteAnruf kam, fang diese Woche an zu arbeiten.
~Steffi :)