Jeap it's time again to get one year older. I hate getting older but I love getting presents so if you want the presents you have to accept the not so fun part. I spend a nice day with my family (jeap they are in Finland right now, more about it tomorrow) and met some friends in the evening. I got some nice presents (some people are just amazing!) and very many b-day greetings via SMS, facebook, e-mail, studivz, ICQ or in person. Loved every one of them!! Kiitos! Thanks! Danke! Merci! Tack! ...
After a very good friend of mine told me that a lot of her friends forgot her b-day I was a little worried but it's good that these new social networks remind you of every b-day. :D But I'm still waiting for some stuff by old fashioned mail. Let's see if it comes tomorrow.
Arrrrr auf anderem Wege schon gratuliert und hier nimmer geschaut.. aber schön das du nen tollen Burzeltag hattest ;)