So after 24hours of partying I need to share this miracle also here with you. So I'm not sure if everybody has noticed but the last 2 weeks it was ice hockey world championships. And these were awesome championships. It started with Germany kicking Russia's ass with 2:0. After that amazing victory I said to many friends that now with Germany winning against Russia everything can happen including Finland winning the world championships. And what did they do?

Seriously, we all have hoped for it but the final game was against the arch-enemy Sweden and in the past the Finnish Lions usually were really scared against the 'Tre Kronors' and played like little boys. But not this time. On Friday it was said Swedes are more afraid of Paradise Oscar (ESC) than Mikael Granlund but on Sunday it showed that they should have been truly afraid of the whole team. 6:1 was the end result!!!!! And the only goal Sweden made was by a guy called Pääjärvi, so a guy with partly Finnish blood in his veins. :D So much for that.

Today was the official party in Helsinki but there was a huge street-party already last night. Since I am in Turku and a poor student I didn't have the financial means to go to Helsinki but they put up a big screen at the market square in Turku and a few hundred mostly dunk people dressed in blue and white with flags and hockey

jerseys celebrated as well. And you guess right, I was among them, not drunk but celebrating of course. It was very emotional with lots of singing and cheering and shouting and well it was 'almost' as good as being live in Helsinki. Or at least it was better than watching it on tv.
So here a few Songs that are played over and over again since last night.

The most popular one is
Ihanaa, leijonat, ihanaa! from 1995 where the Finnish commentator screamed so enthusiastically that they made a song out of it. Btw 'ihana' is one of my favorite words since half a year and means 'awesome'.
Another on is
Den glider in (it [the puck] goes in), especially popular since it is in Swedish and original the 1995 World Championship Song for Sweden but they lost back then against Finland and they lost this time again, so it is like a certain finger towards the Swedish team and country. But you could also hear
this and
Sankarit (Heros), which was
sung by all the fans, the team and well just everybody today in Helsinki (and here in Turku). :D And
Poika saunoo (the boy goes to the sauna) which is my discovery of the day (Kiitos Tellu!). Enjoy!

Another highlight of the tournament was a certain goal last Friday which made a 'little' 19 year old poika (boy) to become the hero of this country. Seriously when Mikael Granlund came on stage today everybody screamed louder for him than for any other player and even louder than for the President herself (and yes I was among those who screamed so loud!). So Mikke Granlund made an
amazing goal on Friday and within minutes it was all over youtube. But the best version is in Finnish since there the same commentator as 1995, who is a legend himself in Finland, had
one of his moments. So much for Finns never show emotions. :D So enjoy Mikke's 1:0 goal from the semi-final. And here of course as a
song version. Finns are really fast with that.

Kiitos Leijonat!
Gratz und "awesome goal";)