Sunday, August 29, 2010

1st week: parties, people and hostel life

So the first week is almost over. And still there is no rest or calming down. Half of the important stuff is not yet organized, I have no Internet in the hostel and it is freaking cold with just 13°C!!!

But from the start. The Orientation week started on Wednesday and I was meeting lots of new people from Finland and all over the world and toooooooooo many Germans. They are really everywhere. Crazy! Ok some are really nice but seriously I could live without them. And the worst part is there is another Steffi here. :'( Dislike that very much!!!!!!

I got to know my Tutor on Wednesday as well. Her name is Jessica from Österbotten who is also a member of my University club at Åbo Akademi. Jeah SF 4 ever! :P In my tutor group there is also Victoria from Peru and Alonso from Spain and a missing person where we all are not sure if it is a he or she but that person is still missing. Very weird! But well besides that I got to know by now Japanese and Chinese girls, a Canadian guy, a Italian girl and soooooo many more. They said more than 25 nationalities are this year at ÅA and together they are like 140 people!!!! Oh jeah and a guy from Norway! :P Very important for me! ;)
I'm quite happy that we didn't have that introduction of everybody in the beginning. So no standing up and saying ones name in front of more than 150 people. Woohoo!
So we had also a bus tour through the city on Wednesday, could have been the guide myself but well it was Ok. So all in all the Orientation week was more of less a waste of time for me but well didn't expect anything different. The only good thing was to get to know new people.

On Thursday there was the famous first year Med students party or at least I think it is famous. I joined Steffi and her friends for the rally through the city. The different clubs of the Medical faculty introduced themselves to the new first years and had some tasked to do and after that at the party prices were given away. The tasks were sometimes tricky and as an international student group with 4 Finns too it was sometimes hard because most of the time everything was in Finnish. Well in the end we managed 9 out of 12 tasks and won even 2 tasks and got chocolate and Koskenkorva Bränvin. :) So a very good result. Winning is the best. :P The party itself was completely crazy. You couldn't hear a word because everybody was talking. So much for: Finns don't talk. ;) And everywhere naked guys were running around with just towels around their hips because there was also a sauna in the med students club. :) Crazy but fun at the same time. Oh yeah and one of the funniest conversations of the evening was with a Finnish guy. He asked in Finnish if i was from Finland and I answered 'En' which means 'I'm not' in Finnish (jeah really difficult to remember ;)) and then he was like 'You are from Finland, right?', 'No you are joking with me you must be from Finland' and said some other stuff in Finnish I didn't get. Well yeah drunken Finns are funny. :)
Had to be in the hostel, in which I moved on Thursday afternoon, at 2am so I had to leave the med party at 1:30am. On Friday I felt horrible. I think I'm too old for parties like that ;)

And of course on Friday was the next party. Well actually 2 parties after each other. I just went to the first one (Student Union Welcome Pub Evening), which was really enough. We had a Finland quiz there and guess what ... my group won! Surprise surprise. We had also a Japanese girl there who is in Turku since January so there was no chance that we'd loose. :P Well we did some stupid mistakes but well. And in the end we had to share the first price. Chocolate (the good Maitosuklaa from fazer), batches for the overalls, Salmiakki (not kossu!!) and äh condoms. Still didn't understand that but well Finns ... you know ... crazy people!
We aka. our quiz group decided to go for a kebab/pizza/falafel and skip the second party. When we passed the club later there was a queue where at least 50 people were waiting outside! Unbelievable! And it was already past midnight.
Now it's weekend so trying to get some university work done which is a bit tricky if you don't have a Internet connection. Next week I have the whole week off because my classes don't start before the week after. Woohoo!

The hostel is ok but I cannot wait to get into my own flat. Problem is there is still somebody living in there so I can't get the key before the afternoon of 1st September. Which really sucks!!!!!! Because then I have to go at least two times to get all my stuff from the hostel to my flat which is like 10km away from the hostel. But by now I know already people living in Räntämäki so there should be somebody who could help me with my stuff.

So enough for now. I start to freeze in the library already and my stomach is making funny sounds. Hmm maybe I should feed him more than once every 3 days. But I don't have my Finnish bank card by now. That sucks because I got already my scholarship money on the bank account but without my card I cannot use the money for grocery shopping or getting me a bike. But well get the card next Friday then it is shopping time. I still need stuff for my flat, a blanket, pots, a pan and I already saw like 10 cups I really would like to have. ;) Maybe it is good that i have no bank card by now. ;)

I hope everybody is alright. From Wednesday on I have my own room and regular internet connection again so I'm able to answer messages and use ICQ or skype again. :) Just in case somebody has the urgent need to talk to me. :D



  1. Party Party Party... is ja richtig aufregend da oben ;)
    und nicht wegen Kälte beschweren, hier war es zu warm :O


  2. Hello my dear from Nürnberg.
    Bei dir ist ja richtig viel los, bei mir nur Kartons auspacken. Aber ab morgen wird gearbeitet *woohoo* Ich habe nun auch internet und hoffe auf lange plauschs im icq demnächst.

  3. @Janine: Auspacken wuerde ich auch so gerne, aber in ein paar Stunden ist es endlich soweit. Und dann bin ich offiziell nicht mehr homeless. Freu mich schon darauf endlich meien Poster und Bilder an die weissen Wände zu hängen. :) Ab heute abend hab ich dann auch endlich wieder internet, sollte das netzwerkkabel die lange reise ueberstanden haben. es sieht leicht gequetscht aus. ;)

    @Andy: Heute sind es 16 Grad hier und ich schwitz wie blöde. Das Wetter ist sooooo seltsam hier. Oder vielleicht ist es auch nur meine Reaktion darauf. Und ich hoffe das hört bald auf mit den Parties aber ich muss ja irgendwie Leute kennen lernen und daher bin ich praktisch gezwungen jede Party mitzunehmen ;)
