Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So finally today was the day I moved from the hostel to my own room in a shared apartment in Räntämäki in the west of Turku. A very nice location, close to the river and green almost everywhere around the houses. I'll check the surrounding area out for bike and jogging trails during the next week. :)

So the whole moving was a little stressy, which isn't something I like but well everything worked out in the end. I had to check out at 10 in the hostel and luckily managed to squeeze all my stuff into a locker. Seriously there was no space left in there. At 12 my tutor group meet for lunch and then Alonso and Vicky decided to come to the hostel as well and to help me with my luggage. I think they just wanted a ride home because it started to rain. :P So we all went into the car, it was already 10 past 1 and Alonso said the housing office from where I should get my key was closing at 2. So I got a little nervous. l didn't want to spend another night somewhere on a couch or in a hostel. And then, as always when you have no time, all the traffic lights where red and there was road construction going on. Well we made it it the hostel and because we where 4 it look less then 5min to empty out the locker. And since my tutor Jessica has a quite big Audi everything fitted in the easily. The drive to the housing office was again filled with red lights. We still made it to the office at 13:40 and guess what? It was open till 15:45!!!! Well after waiting for 15min I got my key.

And now I'm in my room. I unpacked everything, put some posters on the wall, noticed that my pillow is missing (cross your fingers that it is still in Jessica's car if not I will shed many tears since I love my muumin-pillow very much) and started a long list of things I need to get at the IKEA store this weekend. So the room is bigger than last time but of course you cannot compare it to my Magdeburg rooms which where at least double the size I have now, maybe evening bigger. Anyway it is enough if you don't have any furniture.

I also meet my flatmates. A Greek girl called Eva who will become a dentist. And an Indian girl who is a Master degree student here for Computer Science. But I already forgot her name although Eva told me twice but seriously with names you have to write them down then I'll never forget. Well looks like my flatmates are really nice and we will have a good time.

But now it's time to sleep, which is very weird because usually I'm not tired before 2am but since I'm here I became so boring and go to bed almost every evening before 11. Looks like I'm really the gradma of the exchange students this year.
But tomorrow we have city race and after that 2 parties again. Seriously after that I'll be so sick of parties!

(I'll add some pics tomorrow)


  1. Ich wünschte, ich hätte auch nur wenige Dinge und ein kleines Zimmer o_O
    meine ca 40 Kartons sind zu 80% noch unausgepackt.
    Ich drück dir die Daumen für dein Kissen.

  2. Ja die 40 Kartons hatte ich vor 3 Wochen, mussten sofort ausgepackt und in Schränke verstaut werden sonst hätte es ärger mit meinem Dad gegeben.

    Kissen wurde wieder gefunden, krieg ich morgen oder Montag. :D
